My granddaughter, Hope, spent two weeks with us this summer, and one of the things she wanted to do while she was at our home was to begin to learn to sew. We looked through quite a few beginner easy type patterns to find something for her to try and she decided she wanted to make a poncho. We purchased the pattern and a pretty fleece fabric to use for the poncho.
I have never sewn with fleece before, and it turned out more difficult to work with than I had anticipated. If I had known fleece was that difficult to sew with, I would have done something different for her first time, but hind sight is always 20-20, right?
At any rate, we got it done, her sewing some and me sewing some. We even embroidered her name on the pocket on the front in a real cute font. She was very happy with the result, and it looked real cute on her.