For my grandson Teddy’s second Christmas I wanted to use a fine wale red corduroy that I purchased to make him coveralls with Christmas embroidery on the front. I don’t know if it was the density of the stitches on the embroidery pattern I chose, but I had difficulty and had to reattempt the original pattern several times. It was a very cute folk art type Santa figure from Urban Threads.
Eventually I had to ditch the idea of that embroidery and switch to a different pattern with less dense stitching. It was a very cute pattern, though, with Elves.
Unfortunately the pant legs turned out to be too short when the suit was finished and had to be cut off into shorts instead of long pants. That is the problem with sewing for other who live a long distance away. It worked out okay, though, as luckily they live in South Louisiana and it was a very warm Christmas.